Ask God into everything
Be part of your spouse’s life
Consider one another
Disregard external influence
Engage each other properly
Forsake all others & Fulfill each other’s needs – emotional, physical, financial, spiritual etc.
Go for gold!
Hold firmly to each other
Involve your partner in your decisions
Jealously guard your hearts
Keep the faith and your covenant
Love each other unconditionally
Make room for your spouse in your life
Never go to bed angry
Obey God’s instructions in your marriage
Pour all of your love and yourself into the marriage, hold nothing back
Query any untoward act/words/relationship; quit comparing your partner
Remember your marriage is a covenant, not a contract
Share all that you have and are
Trust and give reasons to be trusted
Understand your spouse
Vouch for your spouse
Walk together, in love and one faith
Xpect good from your spouse always
Yield to each other, and meet each-other’s needs
Zealously fight for your marriage
Ayokunle Fatokun