Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International


My story is that of God’s abounding grace which is superior in quality and super abundant in quantity. Since I joined the church in 2001, I’ve never been the same again. In 2007, I made two decisions: to obey all the set man of the house enjoins us to without questioning, and to be more faithful in my tithe and to increase the percentage. These I did regularly and God was faithful in rewarding it. In 2010, I got married. God gave us a very smart, intelligent, and handsome young boy in 2011. In 2012, we were blessed with a car. In 2013, God started a process which will soon come to fruition. Early this year, God helped me to make a trip to the United States with a two year multiple entries visa. All of those things that were like gods to me, God reduced to nothing. I want to thank God for His grace at work in this house.
Pastor Fred.

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