Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

A MOTHER TREE: Producing After Its Kind

Many women get too anxious for the fear that their children may turn out badly. Take heart, a good tree will not produce a bad fruit.

As Valentine approached, my daughter chose me as her Valentine. She was sure she would get a gift from mum so the deal was in her favour. Not having much money or the means to get to where she would get a gift for me, she decided to write a note to mum on Valentine’s Day

As I read through, a part of it read, “I know one day I will be like you!” Tears welled up in my eyes for two reasons. Firstly, it was some feeling of joy that for my daughter to desire to be like me, I must have made some positive impact or have qualities she admires. Secondly, it was some soberness as it dawned on me that there were parts of me I wish she will not know.


The word of God says, “A tree is known by its own fruit.” Luke 6:43 I see women get too anxious for the fear that their children may turn out badly. Take heart, a good tree will not produce a bad fruit. No good thing will He withhold from them that walk up rightly including good children. However, there is a note of warning as this works in two ways. As, mothers, we must keep a close watch on our lives and work on the grey areas. For how often we find ourselves correcting these children about the things we do ourselves.

Children do mostly what they see, and not much of what they hear. Our children will turn out well if we act well under normal circumstances. We may have to spend more time to remove the log in our eyes so we can see well to remove the speck in theirs. The word of God remains true. We can punish every disobedience when our obedience is complete. A tree will produce after its own kind.


Photo Credit: www.theatlantic.com

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