Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

Before Tomorrow Comes

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God’s plan and purpose for us is that we may get better year in and out as we grow older. I believe God wants to bless a lot of us but many a times He cannot because we just walk out of His purpose. Before tomorrow comes, one of the things we need to deal with is fear.

Job 3:24-26 For my sighing cometh before I eat, and my roarings are poured out like the waters. For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me. I was not in safety, neither had I rest, neither was I quiet; yet trouble came.

Fear seems to attract trouble. Everybody has some form of fear but this is not the trouble, what we do and how we deal with it is. Fear is faith in the devil. Fear comes to destroy everything God decides to do for us. If we yield to fear there are many things we will be unable to do. Fear well responded to brings destruction and limits what tomorrow brings. In the whole of Joshua chapter one, God repeated the statement “be strong” three times to Joshua as a way of emphasis on the subject of fear. Tomorrow is in the womb of today and can be truncated by fear.

Joshua 1:6, 9, 18 Be strong and of a good courage: …Be strong and of a good courage; …only be strong and of a good courage.

Reasons God Says You Should Be Bold

  1. Because there must be need for it.
  2. Fearful things that will challenge the bold is about to happen.
  3. Being fearful will hinder you from getting the promises.
  4. Because God doesn’t want you to be fearful.

Fear is lifetime bondage. It is a bondage that exaggerates the trouble. The first satanic arrow of starting up something new is fear. You must deal with your fears. Many of our lives today are a product of fear.  Fear comes to everybody even to the greatest of faith – Jesus; when He was going to the cross.

Rom 8:15 For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.

Heb 2:15 And deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage.

Some Common Fear

  1. Fear of change – a person who refuses change will grow old quickly.
  2. Fear of people – Pro 29:25, Jer 1:8, 42:11.
  3. Fear of the unknown – that is, being afraid of what tomorrow brings. God commands the unknown and his positive power is more than the negative things tomorrow brings, Num 13:32.
  4. Fear of responsibilities – nobody called of God is ever up to the task. When God calls you, you feel inadequate.
  5. Fear of failure – this has stopped many from starting something good. Failure is not final. Failure is irreversible. Failure is a process, Pro 24:16.
  6. Fear of physical or mental breakdown e.g. sickness or disease.
  7. Fear of death – Heb 2:15.
  8. Fear of Satan and demons – power in this world is mono-centric and it is centered in Jesus alone and this same power is given to the church; use it to overcome the devil. Luk 10:19, Matt 28:18.

How to Deal With Fear

  1. Remember God’s promise – His Word. There are 365 “fear not” in the scriptures. God is disposed to show you mercy. Whatever God says in His word supersedes any other information else. Heb 13:5, Ps 27:1.
  2. Build your fear of the God – Ps 19:9, Rev 15:4, Jer 10:7.
  3. Rebuke the spirit of fear – 2 Tim 1:7, 2 Cor 10:5, Ps 23:4
  4. By faith make your plans rest in Him.
  5. You might need to seek deliverance.
  6. Take action; do something in the


Fear is the opposite of faith. Satan will file your heart with fear and the possibility of failure that you will not want to start anything. You must defeat fear in your life.

God bless you.

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