One Sunday morning I woke up, started my routine and began my prayer time. I was praying about a thorny issue and wandered off into thinking about it rather than praying about it. Ever had that happen to you? The result was a severe case of exasperation. My brow was wrinkled and my heart troubled. I was really chewing on it like a cow on cud.
Later I sat in church halfheartedly listening to the sermon when this was said: “Did you know you can be right about something and still be wrong?” That zinged me pretty good. It’s exactly what was happening to me. I was right in my evaluation of the situation but wrong in the way I was handling it.
Instead of getting back to prayer which could really improve things I was letting the stress of it suck faith out of me. Instead of laying the circumstances down on God’s altar I was trying to figure out a human solution. By excluding God’s input, I was boxing myself into a hopeless corner. Now, worry no more! Cast your cares upon Him. Get back to the prayer closet and back to trust in God’s goodness for this situation.