It is your responsibility to increase your faith. You must feed your faith and starve your doubts to death. When you believe God that everything is possible, doubt may begin to rise in your heart at a given time. There will be times when you doubt your ability to succeed, but look up to God.
However, if you are convinced that it is possible, it will make you work on your faith which you know is your victory. Your faith is the victory that overcomes the world. You should begin to make investments into things which will make it possible and do the things that will help you push the boundaries.
You will see the need to seek God in fasting and prayer. Those who say some things are impossible are people who cannot increase their faith. They would rather sleep than stay up all night to pray about a particular issue that they are facing.
When I started my business, very few Christians were in that line of business. Some warned me, “No, don’t even try it or you will backslide. You don’t really know what those brothers do to get by in their various businesses…”
Another person also told me that I should wait for the economy to improve. He said, “Architecture is capital intensive. It is only people that have money that will be interested in building houses. There is no money in town.”
At that time in 1986, one naira was equivalent to four dollars. Right now the exchange rate is very high and it is not predictable. Since then our economy has not improved and they would have killed my dream if I had listened to them.
I knew that it was possible to do business and succeed. So I began to build my faith. I saw in the Bible that Job was blessed of God and he was a business man. Abraham was blessed in his cattle business too. I ensured that I studied scriptures to build my faith.
I fasted and prayed and committed my plans to God before I registered my company. Tough times never last but tough people do. As you look into the word of God, refuse to consider what is going on around you. With God on your side, you will overcome obstacles on your way. This is the way to strengthen your faith.
Culled from Classic sermons: Impossible is Nothing by Pastor Alex Adegboye