Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

Come Oh Breath of God/ Personal And Family Revival

You can experience a revival of the spirit if you call on God that He should breathe upon you by His Spirit, God's breath always brings life.


EZ 37:5 Thussaith the Lord God unto these bones; Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and ye shall live:

The valley is a low place and a place of barrenness. In the text above, the solution to the deadness and dryness in the valley was the breath of God.

Ezekiel was commanded to prophesy to the bones saying I will cause my breath to enter into you and you shall live. When Ezekiel prophesied, the very dry bones arose and stood up an exceeding great army. In the place of prayer, what we do is prophesy as we speak what the Lord is saying through us.

Your prayer focus today will be to pray for the breath of God to come upon your life and that of your household. As the Holy Spirit came like a rushing mighty wind and as cloven tongues of fire on the day of Pentecost, you will be praying that the Holy Ghost will breathe upon you afresh bringing a revival of the Spirit.

You can experience a revival of the spirit if you call on God that He should breathe upon you by His Spirit, God’s breath always brings life.  It will cause you to awaken unto righteousness. It will cause you to awake from slumber, and it will move you to a place where your soul is revived to an acute awareness of the presence of God.

The dead will come to life when His breath comes. The outpouring of the Holy Ghost is the breath of God upon the church and this will bring revival and restoration. His breath brings the early and latter rain which signifies a revival. He will give you corn and wine, symbols of the fullness of the Holy Spirit’s overflow.

Your prayer focus today will be to ask for the move of the Holy Spirit in your life, asking Him to breathe upon you, bringing a revival of the spirit into your life and your entire household in Jesus’ Name.

You will ask God to work a hunger for His presence in your soul such that every member of your family will say like David, “One thing have I desired of the Lord….” 

What you need is the presence of Jesus, for your family to encounter Him in reality. The fire that comes from heaven is the one that burns within your soul and drives you to seek the Lord and to long after Him. 

The Holy Ghost is the One that baptizes with fire and He baptized the disciples in the upper room when He appeared as cloven tongues of fire.  Today,  you will pray for yourself and every member of your family that the Lord will set your souls on fire for Him again, Lord let your fire burn within our souls, fill our souls with a hunger and a thirst for You; may we have a strong desire for You, may our souls pant after you in Jesus’ name.

What your spouse needs is not a better job but a revival in his/her soul, a consciousness of His ever abiding presence and a stirring in his soul to seek God above all else.

What your children need is not academic excellence or healing but an all-consuming passion for the Lord. What your family needs is an encounter with God and everything about their lives will change for good to the glory of God.

Lord, come into my home, change the spiritual atmosphere in my household and draw us all close to you in Jesus’ name.

Salvation and revivals in scripture usually come to entire households. What your children need is not success the way the world views success but that God will pour His Spirit upon them and they will know the Lord.

Indifference or a lack of understanding of the things of God is usually caused by the hardness of hearts or spiritual blindness. The Holy Ghost will remove such hindrances as we pray.

SONG: Let The Weight Of Your Glory Fall (Paul Wilbur)

The invasion of the Holy Spirit in the upper room changed the spiritual atmosphere; when He invades your home, every unbelieving/backsliding spouse, child, sibling, relative, member of your household shall come under the influence of the Holy Spirit. There shall be a reawakening in your family in Jesus’ name.


Make the prayer below in your understanding and then proceed to pray in the Holy Ghost:

King of kings and Lord of lords
I praise Your name and bow in reverence before You
You are the One who rules the raging sea

When the waves arise, You still them
I seek Your face as I pray for myself and my household

I pray for a revival in my life and that of my household especially in this season of crisis.
Lord, bring us to a renewed state of consciousness of Your ever-abiding presence with and in us

Create a love within us for the presence of the Holy Spirit and a strong desire for the Word of God. Renew a right spirit of complete surrender to the voice of God and obedience to His commandments.

I ask that the Holy Spirit will invade my life and my entire household
Fill my life and fill my home with Your glory
Invade my life and invade my home and fill us with Your glory

Holy Spirit, come like a rushing mighty wind and take over the spiritual atmosphere of my family
Come, Holy Spirit, be enthroned in my life and in the life of every member of my household

Breathe upon my household and cause your breath to enter into us
So that we can come alive and have an acute consciousness of Your presence

Visit me and my entire household
Revive us again and stir up a deep hunger in our souls for You alone
Revive me and my household and bring us to a place of deep communion with the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name

Give us the former rain and the latter rain in this season
And draw us closer to Yourself

Stir up a hunger in our souls for You
A passion that is all consuming
Fill our souls with desire for You in Jesus’ name

Come to my life and family like the refiner’s fire and like the fuller’s soap
Sit upon us as the refiner and purifier of silver and purify us
Purge us as gold and silver
So that myself and my household will glorify you on earth and be a light in this dark world in Jesus’ name.

As I pray in other tongues and in my understanding, I yield to the Holy Spirit to help me pray as I ought for a revival in my life and that of my family in Jesus’ name.

VERSE FOR THE DAY: Acts 2:3 And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire, and it sat upon each of them.

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