Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

Doctors Said My Tubes Were Blocked But I Had A Baby Boy

The doctor said that I had two options. Either to have a surgery to get rid of the fibroid or to choose IVF procedure.

I got married on the 23rd November 2010 and as expected, I was supposed to give birth nine months later but it was a different case. The following year I consulted a doctor who told me that I had fibroid and that my fallopian tubes were blocked. The doctor said that I had two options. Either to have a surgery to get rid of the fibroid or to choose IVF procedure. None of these was satisfactory, so I resorted to prayers. My condition remained the same each year.

In December 2014, I attended the church program tagged ‘December to Remember’ and on the first Sunday, the senior pastor told those trusting God for one thing or the other to come out for prayer and I was so sure that God has done it. I went for a test and the result revealed that I was pregnant. I informed my husband about this and he said I should not be excited yet, he said I should go for another test. I went for another test and it was confirmed again. To the glory of God, I gave birth to a baby boy and the baby is doing very fine. Praise the Lord!

– Mrs. Ileola

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