There is a problem that comes to every one of us (young or old, great or small); this is doubt. There will always come a time in life when you will doubt or have the tendency to doubt. The only blessing that lasts and blesses others too is that you get by faith. Blessings can come in many ways, but the one you get through faith is actually secure. If you are not properly grounded in faith you become desperate; and desperate people can do anything to get what they want. Anything!
Faith is a call on your soul. Except you walk in faith and confidence in God, you submit to doubt, and thereafter to fear. Only trust God and build your confidence in Him. Have faith in God and have confidence in Him also. These virtues only can sustain you in trying times. No matter the circumstance you are going through, it is not over yet: firstly, you still have your live; secondly, it is not impossible with God.
Eccl 9vs4 For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion.
Mark 10vs27 And Jesus looking upon them saith, with men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.
To have confidence in God is to believe in His abilities, to have faith in His person and be sure enough to trust in your relationship with Him. Your confidence in God must be fearless, unshakeable, constant and consistent. You can only build these qualities of confidence in the unwavering word of God. In Psalms 78vs17-32, the Israelites committed a sin – they doubted God.
Amidst this, God still blessed them which eventually killed them. If you are desperate, God might give you what you want, but you may not last. Faith is the victory, love is the key. Faith is having unshakeable confidence in God. It is believing God completely and totally. There is nothing faith cannot conquer or help you to get. The things you say and do betray you, most especially all the negative things like doubt.
Heb 10vs35-36 Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompence of reward.
For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.
Faith in God requires patience to make it work. Faith also requires confidence in the word and promises of God. Not everybody who wants answer actually gets one, because they lose their faith. Faith in God is a fight. It is called the fight of faith. Though the year is gradually coming to an end, and it seems your desires and prayers are not coming forth, trust God. It is not over until it is over; and it can never be over with God because He is a promise-keeping God. Build a fearless and unshakeable confidence in God, because He is going to do it. He does it with faith, not with doubt or fear.
1Tim 2vs8 I will therefore that men pray everywhere, lifting up holy hands, without wrath and doubting.
Jam 1vs6-8 But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed.
For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.
A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
The devil uses doubt to steal, kill and destroy. We all have the tendency to doubt, but what matters most is how we deal with our doubt. Doubt can cut your life short like it did to John the Baptist. Doubting God can be very expensive. Listed below are the exceptional qualities of John the Baptist. In spite of these great features, he doubted and questioned what he once believed and acclaimed. He threw away his confidence in the midst of troubles.
- He was called the voice of God, Matt 3vs3.
- He had a mission, message and mandate, Mark 1vs2-8.
- He was called the greatest prophet, Luke 7vs26-28.
- He had the eyes to see and know Jesus Christ, John 1vs29.
- He had a great anointing.
- He was the fore-runner of Christ, John 1vs6-8.
Luke 7:18-20 (Amp.) And John’s disciples brought him [who was now in prison] word of all these things.
And John summoned to him a certain two of his disciples and sent them to the Lord, saying, Are You He Who is to come, or shall we [continue to] look for another?
So the men came to Jesus and said, John the Baptist sent us to You to ask, Are You the One Who is to come, or shall we [continue to] look for another?
- When you compare yourself with other people, 2 Cor 10vs12.
- When your expectations are not met on time, Pro 13vs12
- When the size and nature of your predicament in life is threatening.
- Past experiences of oneself or other people.
- Lack of understanding of the way of God, Isa 55vs8
- When people lack the understanding of the time of God, Eccl 3vs1.
- Delay is not denial, Rom 4vs17-18.
- Doubt like fear is a weapon of the devil.
- God has track records. These are:
- He has never failed before.
- He has never been defeated by His enemies before.
- He has always intervened and stepped into matters at the last hour, Eph 4vs29, Heb 10vs35-39.
- The ways of God are revealed to us in the scriptures, Deu. 29vs29, Isa 55vs8-9.
- The ways of God are not as mysterious as we think.
- The ways of God are not past finding out.
- God has a thousand and one ways to solve just one problem.
- Nothing can stop a man whose time has come.
- Faith is a life style.
- Starve your doubt to death; feed your faith instead.
God bless you.