Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

Don’t Give Up On God

Pastor (Dr.) Bayo Adewuyi

Psalm 73:1-5 

Has it ever occurred to you that maybe things will not happen as promised or as expected because time is already running out? We’ve spent about 310 days and there is only 55 days to go in this year. If God did not do it in 310 days, how will He do it in 55 days? Know that it does not take God one day to do all that he has to do in your life. Be encouraged and don’t give up on God.

We must continually believe in God so we can receive from Him. No situation is too big for God to handle. Your situation is not big enough for God to change His mind. Whatever God has declared, it cannot be reversed. Unless God has not declared it, then you can expect it not to come to pass. Surely, if you do not give up on God, you will not be defeated.

In Luke 22:31, Jesus said the devil has asked for permission to sift Peter as wheat, but He has prayed for him so that his faith will not fail. It is only when your faith fails that you can be defeated. As long as you don’t give up on God, that which you believe God for will come to pass.

Reasons we give up on God.

  1. The scars of disappointment we’ve had in the past.
  2. We have alternatives.
  3. We are tired.
  4. We forget about Him and His benefits.

When there are troubles, we easily remember what has not happened. We don’t remember what God has done for us. I have this book that I call ‘The book of miracles.’ In the book I write all that the Lord has done for me. When I wake up in the morning, it is God. Everything God has done, as much as I can remember, has to be written in that book. I do it quarterly and I just keep writing every time. Psalm 103:2 says, “Bless the LORD, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits.” For you not to give up on God, you must remember all, and not just some of His benefits.

Reasons we should not give up on God.

  1. God is God and not a man. Num 23:19, Job 33:12, Is 46:5.
  2. God’s word is final in all situations. Ps 119:89, 103:5, 147:15, 148:8, Is 55:8-11.
  3. It is the devil’s will, not God’s will, for you to give up.
  4. Your enemy – the devil was not originally designed to defeat you. 1 Pet 5:8, Lk 22:31.

What to do so as not to give up?

  1. Fix your gaze on the Lord Jesus. Heb 12:2, Matt 15:21-28.
  2. Hold on to your faith. Don’t be moved by what you see.

Psalm 65:11 says, “Thou crownest the year with thy goodness; and thy paths drop fatness.” So, hold on to God and keep believing. God will pull through for you. God will crown your year with good things and fulfill His every word in your life. Amen.

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