Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International


The Men’s Fellowship of The Stone Church will this weekend the 16th and 17th day of June, 2013 host a programme tagged “Full Stature” to celebrate the men in the church. We, at the Stone Church, believe men in all ramifications like the women folk should be celebrated because of their role as father, husband and head of the family. In view of this, we, with the rest of the world will be marking this event in a grand style. News and Media had a chat with the head of the men’s fellowship. The following is the excerpt:

Que. 1: Can I meet you sir?

Ans: Thank you very much. I am Dr. Bola Adeyemo, the coordinator of the men’s fellowship of The Stone Church, Mokola, Ibadan.

Que. 2: The Fathers’ Day comes up worldwide June 17th. Please, tell us few things about Fathers’ Day and why the church is marking it?

Ans: The role of a father and the responsibilities that comes with it was enshrined by God. This role comes with privileges too. He is to provide for his household and failure to do so likens him to an unbeliever. The bible instructed that men should love their wives as Christ loved the church. He should also bring up his children in the fear and way of the Lord. The role of a father is in leadership, provision, and ensuring orderliness in the family, church and society at large. The privileges attached to fatherhood are: submission from his wife, obedience from his children and authority. We mark Fathers’ Day to celebrate fathers, recognizing the fact that he’s always thinking about meeting the needs of his family, he prays for his family and lives up as a role model to his wife and kids. He seeks God’s face and direction for his home. A man who measures up with all these responsibilities ought to be celebrated.

Que. 3: What is the theme of this year’s fathers’ day?

Ans: The theme is “Full Stature” and it’s taken from Eph 4:13. It talks about coming in full stature in Christ Jesus. Every man will fail as a father without Christ. Except Christ remains the role model for fathers and enables them, every man will fail in his duties as fathers. Jesus is the pattern for fathers to excel. Every man is expected to grow up into a full stature in Christ, then, he can fulfill his role as a father.

Que. 4: What are the activities lined up in this year’s service?

Ans: On Saturday the 16th, there would be an interactive meeting for men and a guest speaker will be there too to talk to us. Thereafter, there would a question and answer session to address certain issues, because we know fatherhood is among some peculiar things in life you can’t read in books; in fact, you learn on the job and you are expected to excel in it. Certainly, menu will follow. On Sunday, the men will be coordinating the entire service; there will special numbers, dance, drama and a whole lot of others.

Que. 5: Some men do not live up to their expectations. What advice do you have for them?

Ans: We all have one chance in life. Life is an exam for every one of us. Once you die, the exam ends. Any man who fails in his duties as a father is failing God. Such a father should stir up and encourage himself in God. He should indentify his shortcomings and improve on them, so that, he can attain to the fullness of stature in God, then, his wife, children and the church can be proud of him.

Que. 6: Lastly, what time and venue is the event?

Ans: The programme holds on Saturday at 10:00am and Sunday 8:00am at the International Conference Centre, The Stone Church, Mokola, Ibadan.

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