Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

Forward Motion

Potential is important but what you do with your God-given talent is much more important. A person has a success or two and is labeled with “potential greatness.”

Potential can be one of the most empty words in the world. Potential is important but what you do with your God-given talent is much more important. A person has a success or two and is labeled with “potential greatness.” Then the biggest trap presents itself: quitting after a victory. Success has made failures of many people.

Once you’re moving you can keep moving. Did Michael Jordan stop shooting after making his first basket? Did Max Lucado quit writing after his first best seller? Successful people know that each victory buys an admission ticket to a more challenging opportunity. The more you do, the more you can do.

“Perhaps it is a good online essay writers thing that you haven’t seen all your dreams come true. For when you get all you wish for, you will be miserable. To be forever reaching out to remain unsatisfied is a key to momentum” (North Carolina Christian Advocate). Stop and smell the roses along the journey, just don’t stay so long that the petals have dropped, the limbs have been pruned and all that’s left is the thorns. It’s not what you get that makes you successful; rather, it is what you are continuing to do with what you’ve got that’s a better yardstick.

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