Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

Functional System Of Your Mind

A battle takes place in the most important part of our being which is the mind. If you are dealing with any battle right now, you must understand that this battle begins from your mind.

The mind is the engine room of the human life. The engine of a car determines the output, the power and energy of that car. Let me give you a short anatomy of the soul – man is a spirit; he has a soul and dwells in a body. You must be able to distinguish between the three. You need to know that you are a tripartite being.

The soul of a man is sandwiched between the spirit and the body. The soul itself is made up of three parts which are: 1) the will 2) the mind 3) the emotion. The mind is located within the soul. It controls the will and the emotions. A battle takes place in the most important part of our being which is the mind. If you are dealing with any battle right now, you must understand that this battle begins from your mind.


God and the devil target and aim at your mind, and whosoever controls your mind, controls you and your entire system. It is common sense and simple logic that whatever controls the engine controls the whole system. You can live without hands or feet but you can’t live without your mind. The whole essence of advertisements is to control your mind, for your mind controls the flow and destination of your money.

Many people don’t exercise their minds as they want somebody else to do their thinking for them. But you must note that anyone that can control your mind or anybody that will do your thinking for you will become the determinant of your destiny and truly control your life. It is not in your interest to hand over the control of your mind to the wrong person. Whatsoever and whoever controls your mind controls everything about you.

READ ALSO: You Shall Have What You Say

When you give your life to Christ, your spirit becomes born again but your mind and body do not become born again. Those are the parts of you that you must nurture and this you can do by renewing your mind with God’s word. The goal of our church is to help Christians grow and nurture their minds to become the fullness of the stature of Christ. To grow, the Christian must develop his mind to be like the mind of Christ.


How much battles have you been dealing with lately and how have you engaged your mind positively? Now it’s your turn to share your thoughts. 

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