God has proven to be faithful even though we are faced with tribulations. John 16:33 remarks that, “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” At the time that my husband and I agreed to have another child, I got pregnant without a fuss.
Along the line I lost the pregnancy and there was no medical reason for the cause of the miscarriage. Again, I got pregnant and during Dunamis 2015, I lost the pregnancy. Now I have experienced two miscarriages and both are beyond the second trimester stage.
At the Sunday service, which was the last service of the convention, the senior pastor gave a word of knowledge that was so accurate and relevant to my situation. He said that there was a woman here who lost her pregnancy. He added that it was the work of the devil and that God would surely restore. At that time I was really desolate and devastated, but with that word of knowledge, I was touched and encouraged that God was really mindful of me.
God has really been faithful to my family.