Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

Hooked On Urgency

Urgency is stressful. It’s also addictive. If you’re hooked on urgency, here's help for you.

Urgency is stressful. It’s also addictive, and if you find yourself habitually reacting to outside demands, you may be ‘hooked’. Like any addiction, urgency temporarily meets your need to feel needed. It creates a sense of ‘getting things done’, falsely enhances your self-esteem, yet tends to make problems worse because mostly haste makes waste.

urgency1If you’re hooked on urgency, here are two things to consider:

1) In today’s society busyness equals status. People expect you to be in demand, but while constantly abandoning your goals to help others accomplish theirs may make you feel appreciated, it can sidetrack you from your real purpose and create in you a false sense of importance. The Bible says, “God gives ability to all for their particular service” (1 Corinthians 12:6 GNT). The lion’s share of your time should be spent doing what God called you to do, not fulfilling the demands and expectations of others.

2) Identifying your response pattern can help set you free. Sometimes it’s hard to say no because as a Christian you feel obligated, but not every need is a directive from God to jump in and meet it! Try to be discerning. Your decision to get involved

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