Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

Hurray, It Is The Birth of a New Baby!

The Lord has blessed us with a new born baby! It is the 30th baby in the family of the The Word Alive Ministries International a.k.a. The Stone Church, the 30th branch since the inception of the church 19 years ago.

In the bid to reach out to lost souls, bring them to the church and establish them in the faith according to Matthew 28:19-20 and in accordance with the mission of the church, The Stone Church has set up a new branch for this purpose with Pastor Tunde Awoyemi as the pastor-in-charge. The new branch is an English church that interprets in Yoruba the local dialect of the people in the western part of Nigeria.

The English/Yoruba church as it is being called was inaugurated on the July 1st, 2012 at its worship centre in Mokola, Ibadan. The church will be conducting an English/Yoruba service to cater for those in the community of worshippers who are not fluent in English language.

Prior to the inauguration of the new branch, the mother church has in time past established a number of branches which hold services in Yoruba some of which are located in Ibadan and in other towns and villages in Oyo state.

The Stone Church keeps spreading her tentacles to reach the unsaved world with the gospel of salvation through her branches in Nigeria, Germany, UK and in the US. To the glory of God, The Stone Church is waxing stronger in time, purpose and mission.

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