A debtor is a noun (name) and not an adjective. I am debtor, and that was the name apostle Paul called himself. Romans 1:14, I am debtor both to the Greeks, and to the Barbarians; both to the wise, and to the unwise.
Any achievement that you have, and anything that you become, is only possible by the grace of God. The gospel message should be preached in the most beautiful palaces and in the worst of ghettos that Jesus Christ is the One that saves. Paul says I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, and we mustn’t be ashamed too.
Few things about debtor:
1. A debtor is a servant to the one that he owes. Prov 22:7
2. A debtor is not free to do what he wants. Deut 15:15
3. A debtor’s future depends upon paying the debt. Psalm 37:21
It’s an obligation, and we owe the world the full gospel. The full gospel has the capacity to save from death and diseases and poverty. “For though I preach the gospel, I have nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto me, if I preach not the gospel” (1 Corinthians 9:16).
When you know the state of a man that every unsaved soul is damned unless they find Christ, you will have a burden when you know that God wants all men to be saved. 1 Timothy 2:4, Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
It was the last command Jesus gave us and it has become our primary purpose. John 4:34, And he said unto them, I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also: for therefore am I sent. Preaching the gospel is one thing we would not do when we get to heaven. Preaching is reserved for the here and now.
Probably the reason you are alive today is to preach the gospel. The Bible says we are the salt of the earth, and if the salt loses its value it is good for nothing but to be trodden under foot. The civilization of man is built around the reality of the birth of Jesus, and to deny Jesus is to deny our very existence.
A message preached by Pastor Alex Adegboye
-Our job is not to save them, but our job is to tell them about Christ.
– A life without Christ is always empty in spite of the wisdom and wealth that may be abundant in such a life.