Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

IGNITE – A Wonderful Experience

The calm environment of the University College Hospital (UCH) was vivified with a soul winning outreach put up by The Stone Church to herald the gospel of salvation of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to residents within its community.

Oluwafred (gospel comedian and MC), Aity Denis Iyang (gospel ariste) and Alfa Sule (dance drama gospel troupe) all performed on stage to proclaim the Good News to the unsaved.


The event started with an opening prayer led by Dr. Tope Shoyemi, an initial praise and worship session by the Lively Stones (the church’s choir) and conferred by Oluwafred. Alfa Sule in their usual self got every laughing with their hilarious dance drama. Aity got us all on our feet singing and dancing the African way to honour the name of the Lord. After all the fun and laughter came the crux of the matter: The Word by the senior pastor; Arch. Alex Adegboye. An alter call was made; people responded and willfully came out to confess their sins before the Lord. They offered their souls to Christ and accepted the free gift of salvation. We give God the glory the outcome was worth the effort.

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