Four years ago, i.e. Year 2015, my family members and I embarked upon a journey to the east and during our time in Benin city we had a flat tyre along the way. We parked and changed to an extra tyre and continued with the journey. Again, after some distance we had another flat tyre and this time around there was no extra tyre. The car moved with the aid of the rim as there was no place around the area where we could stop by to buy another tyre. So we moved from Benin to Asaba using the rim of the wheel. It was a big risk but God preserved us. Eventually, we found a place where we bought another tyre, and again after some distance, for the third time we had another flat tyre. This time we were caught up in the thick bush as there was nowhere to stop by. Again, we had to continue with the rim of the tyre. It was very late in the evening before we found a place to buy tyre. I thank the Almighty God that he saw us through the journey and He protected my family. – Sis. O

Dealing with Stress Biblically
Our world, greatly marred by sin, is a crucible of trials and tribulations that test the limits of fallen mankind. Who among us can say, “I am stress-free?“ If you have spent any time existing in our world, you have undoubtedly experienced the debilitating effects of stress. The profound lyrics of a poem penned by