Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

Laughter – The Applause From Heaven

Pastor Alex Adegboye

Texts: Job 5: 19 -27, Psalm 126: 1-6

The gospel is good. It is given to us so that we can release ourselves to the goodness of God. The good news is the only good thing worth laughing about when you consider the bad news that pervades the earth. There is applause from heaven for those who are ready to have victory over the enemy. Heb 12;1. Even if your situation is not funny, I want you to laugh.


  1. The devil doesn’t want you to laugh. He is out to kill, to steal and to destroy. If there is anything  that causes you to cry, it is from the devil. He does not approve of anything that causes us to laugh.
  2. He seeks to wipe laughter out of our faces or make us to laugh at wrong things. Laughter is a holy thing but devil tends to destroy it by making you laugh at wrong things. If you laugh at wrong things, then something is wrong with your value system.
  3. There are different types of laughter. You can laugh at something, situation, or with people.
  4. The object of the laughter is determined by the source
  5. You can choose to laugh as an act of your will
  6. God wants you to laugh because God also laughs Psalm 2;4, 37;13, 57;8


  1. You will overcome fear Job 5;22
  2. You will be prosperous. Job 5; 23. If you laugh, you will be rich.
  3. Victory over demons. You will upset Satan when you laugh.
  4. You will have peace
  5. Righteousness
  6. Fruitfulness.  Job 5 ; 26
  7. Longevity Job 5; 27.

Let us see someone who laughs his way to victory.  Abraham is an example in Gen 22;2,. Isaac means laughter. God named him laughter, Gen 17; 19, in other words, the promise is laughter and this was before Abraham and Sarah laughed. Every promise of God is laughable in terms of its possibilities. The most precious thing you have is the promise and it is laughter. Sarah laughed (Gen 18; 12,-15, Gen 21; 6). The covenant was ratified with laughter. The good news is that we can laugh and laughter belongs to our tabernacle. Psalm 118; 15.


  1. Laughter is an act of faith
  2. It is an act of deifiers
  3. It is an act of confidence.
  4.  It is an act of hope
  5. It is an act of confrontation with Satan.  The devil is a coward so laugh at him.
  6. It is act of joy. Psalm 27; 4-6

Sit down and ponder on God’s promises and find reasons to laugh.  Know what heaven knows, and do what heaven does. Laugh all the way because God wants you to laugh.


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