Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

Make Your Life Count

Pastor Sola Akande

TEXTS: Matt 25:14-30; Rom 11:29

The question of ‘why’ answers the reason for doing something and every individual needs to get to a point where you will ask yourself the reason ‘why’ you are doing what you are doing. It is the question that answers the reason you have chosen to do whatever it is that you are doing. It is the question that tries to give knowledge about a particular thing.

The question of ‘how’ follows after you have answered the question of ‘why’. You can never answer the question of ‘how’ if you do not understand the question of ‘why’ because while ‘why’ is giving you the reason you are doing what you are doing, the ‘how’ seeks wisdom. How do I do that which I am doing? I want to ask you and help you answer the question of ‘why’.
Why are you a Christian? 
We are Christians because:

  • It is the way to eternal life. John 3:3; 10:10.
  • It is the way to deliverances, blessings and possibilities. Dan 3:17, Matt 3:9.
  • We want to fulfil the purposes of God for our lives. Rom 11:29.

You were made to fulfil the purpose of God. You are made to walk and run the race that God has mapped out for you. God told Jeremiah that He has separated him for a purpose right from his mother’s womb.

God has a plan for your life. There is something God has put in you to enable you carry out His counsel for your life. There is a purpose for our lives and that is why it is important for us to stop sometimes, and question ourselves why are we doing what we are doing? Ask the Lord, Lord is my life counting? Are my doing what I am supposed to be doing?

We ought to pause like Apostle Paul and question our lives. In Acts 9:6, Paul says, “… Lord, what wilt thou have me to do?” Have you asked yourself that question before? It does not matter how long you have been in the faith. Afterall, Saul was very faithful doing the wrong things. The Lord stopped him as he was going on the way to Damascus for another persecution and he asked Lord: “Lord, what will you have me do?”
Know that you are accountable to God. Romans 14:10 says, “… for we shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.” On the last day, you will stand before God and put your hands at the back as you give account of what you have done with your life here on earth. Before that day, it is better you give some account and rehearse today what you will tell Him that day.

God has been so good and merciful to us. What have you done in return because surely you will stand before God and give an account of life. In Judges 11 and 12, Joshua was celebrated by the people because he won many battles and conquered several lands but God gave His own account concerning Joshua by saying there are yet many more lands to conquer. That was the judgment of God. Men judged him as doing great and doing well but God said there are many more lands to conquer.

2 Tim. 4:5-8 says, “But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.”

How will you know you finished a cause if you do not know the cause you need to run? How will you be able to say, ‘I have fought a good fight’, if you do not know what fight to fight. Paul knew his cause. That is why he was able to say that I have finished my cause. What are you doing for God? Some people even come late to church every time. Can you try that in your work place? You come late to church because you do not understand purpose. You are doing well by your own standard, but are you doing well by God’s standard?

    • God has given you His gifts and talents and abilities according to Matt 25:14-30 and His gifts and callings are without repentance – Rom 11:29. Upon the Lord’s return, He wants you to prepare and give Him an account of your stewardship. When He comes, what will you say? For once, be afraid of the way you are living. For once, you should slow down and examine your life. The priority in life is the purpose of God. The reason you are alive today is because of that purpose. If you will not respond to the heavenly calling, God will raise some other people in your stead.
    • God is an investor and He has invested in your life. He invested His grace in your life. According to Isaiah 5, He has put wall round His vineyard. That is God’s protection from the scourge of the wicked. The fact that you are alive today is God’s investment over your life because He is keeping you for a purpose. The favorable position that you find yourself today is an investment of God. Many people sought that position but they are not there today. God put you there knowing that one day He will call you and ask you how you have affected His kingdom with His investments over your life.
    • God will withdraw His covering and investments over your life if you refuse to use it for His kingdom. Are you profitable to God? Does your life count for God? Can God look into your life and rejoice and say to you my child you are running my cause. You are doing my bidding. What is your life bringing forth? If you should die now, what will people have to say about you? Let your life matter to the body of God. Let your life count for God. Let it be a life of purpose and direction.
    • Can a soul be attached to your name since you have been born again? What are you doing in church? You come to church and listen to several messages; don’t you know that these sermons and teachings will stand against you on the judgment day? On that day, it will be you and your purpose, and you will be held accountable. Jesus is coming back and He will give to every man according to their works. (Rev 22:12).
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