Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International


Praise the Lord! Our God is great and of diverse dimensions; to Him alone I ascribe this glory and praise. In Dunamis 1997, He lifted me from the dimensions of hopelessness to hope, and weeping to laughter. Some years after leaving the University, I got married and was so elated like any other woman. While in the United States, I lost five pregnancies to miscarriages mysteriously within three years. My husband and I agreed to relocate to Nigeria. Upon arrival, I joined this church. The miscarriages continued up till the ninth pregnancy. To stop this trend, I was admitted into a private hospital from the sixth week of the ninth pregnancy to the eighth month when I lost him again. This broke the cord tying and holding my marriage. In Dunamis 1997, the senior pastor made an altar call for anyone who wants the touch of God in their lives. This I did not knowing how I got there. He gave some words of prophesy I held on to.

I got pregnant the tenth time and went to the hospital the sixth week to lie till the ninth month. My husband came to me at the hospital to call it a quit. The senior pastor, his wife, brother, the church brethren and my friends would come to pray and cheer me up. At the ninth month, I had my baby. Unfortunately, there was no home to go with the baby. Thank God for friends! They got me a brand new apartment for a brand new baby. Today, I have houses. The Lord blessed me spiritually, physically and financially.
Mrs. Adeola

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