Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

My Hero

A hero is one admired for great or brave acts or fine qualities. He is a person held in extreme admiration. He is one admired for his achievements.

A hero is one admired for great or brave acts or fine qualities.
He is a person held in extreme admiration.
He is one admired for his achievements.
He is one of great courage or an illustrious warrior having won many battles

After what I consider an exhaustive search in all the worlds(physical and spiritual,
heavens above, earth below and waters beneath),
I found my hero
After a peek even into antiquity,
My soul found Him

His words which I found during my search didn’t just catch my attention
But they made sense to me,
His enemies being judges
Never a man spoke like Him

No philosophers spoke like Him,
No parliament that ever sat made better laws that He has made.
No sailors ever traveled as far as He did.
No man ever had such profound influence upon humanity like did
And still continue to do so even long after he has stopped to physically live in this realm of existence.

The human story would have been a complete tragedy,
After the garden of Eden but for His timely intervention
He came into our World to deliver us from impending and certain disaster.
He dwelt among us so he could feel what we feel,
Sit where we sit, show us how to live,
Pay the ultimate price to turn our situation around,
And be a worthy intercessor in the world beyond

Philosophers become poetical when it comes to death,
Even theology turns general,
But Jesus faced death head on and triumphed.

By a master stroke of spiritual strategy,
And at great cost to him and the Father,
For he paid the supreme price,
He delivered us from our enemies that were hitherto too strong for us,
After engaging them in awful combat in the region of the damned!

That titanic battle goes down in history as the ‘mother of all battles’.
For he spoiled principalities and powers
And made a show of them openly triumphing over them in it!

Christ was challenging death as it had never been challenged before!
The lightning of God entered into the very heart of the region of the damned,
Breaking the legal hold of man’s enemy.
He arose the victor from the dark domain,
He arose triumphant over hell, death and the grave,
Never to die again!

My Hero Arose!!!

Man’s redemption has become a fact,
Not just a myth or the figment of someone’s fertile imagination,
But a fact, to those who will believe!

Good has triumphed over evil
God has triumphed over Satan
Light has triumphed over darkness
My Hero is God! And His Name is Jesus!

The Deity of the Man of Galilee is the crux of Christianity
If this can be successfully challenged,
Then Christianity has lost its heart and will cease to function;
It will become a dead religion
There is no denial that the challenge of His deity
Had already begun its reactionary effect upon society

If Jesus Not Deity, then He is Not Lord
If He is Not Lord, Then He cannot interfere with our moral activities or even our lives
If He is not Lord, then the laws that have been founded upon His teachings have lost their force
The morals that surround marriage with its lofty ideals have no basis of fact
If Jesus of Nazareth is not a revelation from God with Divine authority, then He is but a man
If He is but a man, all that we have built around Him must be destroyed,
And we have around this man our modern civilization

He has been the inspiration of young men:
They have kept themselves clean and pure
As they have looked upon his wonderful life and sought to win his smile

Young women in the secret of their chamber
Have looked upon the face of the Man of Galilee
And have pledged to preserve the purity of their womanhood
That they might be worthy of the love and confidence of the man
W-ho died two thousand years ago for humanity.

Children have been incited to obedience and purity
By the example and teachings of that Man
Businessmen have been deterred from crooked dealings
By the consciousness that one day they would meet that Man
And give account of the deeds done in their office
Men of all walks of life have felt a strange kinship
With this Man who walked the shores of Galilee,
Solitary among a multitude

To say He was but a good man is an insult
To say that He was the highest expression of Deity in humanity
Is to throw the lie at His face.
Jesus is or He is not what He said He was

We have no record of His sayings nor of His doings
Outside the four Gospels,
And if we repudiate them,
then we have but a mythical picture of the Man
If we challenge one of them,
then we have the right to challenge all of them:
either He stands or falls on those four biographical sketches

If He is Not the Son of God, who is He?
I want to believe that He is an incarnation
I want to believe that He dealt with the sin problem
I want to believe that He died for my sins
And that He rose again for my justification
I want to believe that He is seated at God’s right hand today
As the intercessor and Mediator of the Human race
I want to believe that what He said about heaven is true:

‘In my Father’s house are many mansions,
I go to prepare a place for you,
And if I go and prepare a place for you,
I will come and receive you to myself’

Skepticism holds no guaranty for my future
Civilization has not only been built around this Man,
But He has been built into civilization
If you destroy His character, His standing, His place,
Then civilization as we know it must must disintegrate

The wave of crime and lawlessness that is sweeping the nations of the earth
Is but a byproduct of repudiating His Words…

He qualifies as my ultimate hero and yours too…… if you believe
He is worthy for all His exploits, defeating man’s no 1 enemy
He qualifies for all His achievements… at His name every knee bows
He is the consummate Hero for His undying love for you
In-spite of you People want to be like their hero

You can be like him…. a son of God
You have the answer to man’s aching void
Which can only be filled by God Himself
You can be a hero too!!!

Please welcome my Hero, Jesus Christ, The Son of The Living God!!!

King of kings, Lord of lords, Alpha & Omega, the beginning of all creation,
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus….

– Pastor Alex Adegboye

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