Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

November 2012: Our Prayer Month

The Prayer month is a period in which we dedicate all the days in the month to prayers. While we do not disregard the fact that many people are praying in their closets, but during this season, we desire that prayers will be made to God without ceasing with one voice! We have a word from God in Psalm 65:11: Thou crownest the year with thy goodness; and thy paths drop fatness; so it is our intention to mobilize the saints of God in this local assembly to seek Him for the fulfillment of that word in our personal lives and in the church.

The objectives of the Prayer Month are as follows:

  1. To encourage Christians to develop a culture/habit of prayer in their personal lives
  2. To provide an avenue for the members of the church to lift up their personal requests before the Lord, seeking Gods face as the year comes to an end
  3. To intercede for our fellow brethren who are afflicted and need divine intervention.

We encourage full participation from all church members as we believe that there’s tremendous power in united prayer.

To participate, please note the following:

  1. Choose a day (or more) in the month of November in which you’ll be at the Prayer  room to pray for at least an hour,
  2. Register your name and day chosen with the Prayer ministry (so that you can be reminded),
  3. Come to the prayer room on the day(s) chosen, sign the register and use the prayer bulletin provided as a guide to pray.

We trust that as the Church lifts up her voice to pray in one accord, chains will be broken and many miracles will be wrought in our lives.

The Prayer Month runs through the 1st to 30th November, 2012.

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