Everyone wants to feel good and live a carefree, stress-free and hazard-free life. Everybody wants an easy and happy life. Every individual wants a wonderful spouse and cultivate good relationships with family and friends, and make lots of money, and be influential in society.
But life is one long interesting journey filled with ups and downs. Often, some things are bound to happen in life which we cannot fight or resist. Life happens! Or should we just sit back, watch and surrender to the course of events and allow life to kick us around. No!
The fact of the matter is that life is given to us for a purpose. Life is an intentional design by the Life-giver. The earlier we come to terms with this fact, the better it is for our existence on earth. There is a Designer of life; the Creator of all things on earth either living or non-living.
All things begin and consist in God who is our Maker. Unless and until we cultivate a relationship with the Designer of life, we would live empty and unsatisfied lives. Every car or machine or mobile phone has a manufacturer and there is a manual that guides its operations.
There is also a manual for our walk in this life. That manual is the Word of God and the author of life’s manual is Jesus Christ. Man cannot live life on his own unless He receives Jesus Christ into his life and cultivates a relationship with Him. He is the Way, the Truth and the Life.
If anyone is in Christ Jesus, he is a new creation, old things are passed away and all things are become new (2 Corinthians 5:17).
With Jesus Christ, you will have a full and fulfilled life. There is an enemy that has come to steal, kill and destroy but Jesus has come that we may have life and that we may have it in abundance. In Jesus, we have a life that is superior in quality and super-abundant in quantity.
Note that when your life comes to an end on this side of the divide, you will be present with the Lord in heaven. There is life for you after this life. Those who believe and receive Jesus Christ have eternal life. Those who reject Him will face God’s wrath and damnation in hell.
Jesus Christ conquered death and grave and He has given us the victory. When life presents its challenges to us, we are confident that we will overcome them. We can face tomorrow because Jesus Christ leads and guides us. Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world.
Your background or past mistakes or weaknesses cannot limit you; the author of life has paid for all your sins and shortcomings and He has given you all that pertains to life and godliness. The life of God is in you and you will prosper in this life because God is always on your side.