Safe Child Delivery
Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

Safe Child Delivery

I want to thank God because of what he did for me through the conception and delivery of my baby. When the pregnancy was 6-weeks old, I went to the doctor and he said the pregnancy has not been growing. I asked the doctor why he said the pregnancy has not been growing and he said he cannot explain it to me, but I will give you some pills for you to take and after two weeks, you should come to see me.

Within the period of 2-weeks, I started bleeding and I called my husband who had traveled out of town. My husband came home and I was rushed to the hospital. The doctor said the reason for these complications was because the pregnancy hasn’t been growing and the only solution was evacuation. They evacuated the pregnancy. Though there was Daughters of Zion Fellowship in church, but I did not care to join them.

Two months later, I conceived again and this time my husband impressed it on me to join the Daughters of Zion Fellowship. I joined them and God used the Head of Fellowship immensely for me. When I was to have my baby, there were complications but God took control of the situation. Now I have a bouncing baby girl to the glory of God. – Sis O.

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