Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

Safe Delivery

I went to bed very late on the 28th of April, but before I slept, I started feeling very uncomfortable. I later slept off after an hour and as soon as I woke up, I was uncomfortable again. I took my children to school and when I came back I watched William and Kate’s wedding. All the while the baby kept turning in my tommy, but it was not yet contraction. I called my husband and told him that the baby had been turning for well over 12 hours. I became afraid thinking that when the time comes for me to deliver the baby I might not be able to push. My friend took me to the hospital and there the doctor said I was not contracting at all. After a while, I could not take it anymore because the pain was now severe. The nurse checked on my membrane, and by that time, the membrane had ruptured by itself. She told me to push the next time it happens. I pushed and that was it. I bless God because I left for the hospital at the right time otherwise the baby would have choked to death.

Sis. B

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