Life is a matter of a series of choices. The reason things do not work for some people is rather because of the choices they have made. They have made choices of compromise but they will do well in life once they begin to live lives according to the pattern that God has ordained.
To compromise is to choose a lower standard or choose requirements so that you can accommodate something that you willfully want to do. A life that is full of lies and deceptions is a life of compromise and it has fatal consequences.
I have discovered there is more to life. The life that God wants us to live is a life that is under control; a life that is under the control of the Holy Spirit. A life which default mode is not compromise. Anything you compromise to do, you would eventually lose.
In Daniel 3, three Hebrew were faced with a tough decision to either bow or burn but they did not compromise. God vindicated and protected them. At every level in life, we would face temptations, and the choices we make either brings us closer or farther to our destiny.
Initial thoughts:
The choices we have in life are usually opportunities to compromise
Whenever you make a decision against one thing, you’ve also made a choice for something else
When you choose to do right, you always influence other people to do right
Temptation and calamity are twins; they go together
Things you must never compromise:
Love for God. Deut 6:4-6
Faith in God. Mark 11:22
Sin. Prov 14:9; Rom 6:23; 1 Thessa 5:22; 1 Cor 6:9-10; Ps 132:9
Fasting and prayer. Deut 8:3; 2 Tim 2:15; Prov 4:20
Faithfulness to your family viz your spouse, parents and children
Faithfulness to your church. Ps 132:3-5
Be faithful to your friends. Prov 17:17
You must not compromise on the making and multiplying of money. Matt 16:26; Jer 17:11
We make choices in life and the choices eventually make us. The road to enter the Kingdom of God is narrow but once you enter the road it becomes broad. God does not force us to make a decision; He always instructs and appeals to us to make the right choice. The life that Jesus offers us is superior in quality and super-abundant in quantity, and to enjoy this life, we must consistently live a life that is without compromise.
When you seek God, you would find everything else that you want.
There is a high cost for the choice of a low lifestyle.