Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

Someone Watching You

There was the story of a pastor who boarded a bus one morning, paid his fare and took his seat. A few minutes later, he realized that the driver had given him too much change. Some people might have put it in their pocket and said, “Lord, thank You for Your provision.” But this pastor knew that would be wrong. At the next stop, he walked to the front of the bus with the extra change and said to the driver, “Excuse me, sir, you gave me too much change, and I wanted to return it to you because obviously you made a mistake.”

The driver said, “Pastor, I didn’t make a mistake. I was at your church last night and heard you preach on honesty. I wanted to see if you practiced what you preached.”

Fortunately, he did.

People are watching you as a Christian, virtually scrutinizing your every move. You should know they aren’t hoping you will be a godly witness. They are hoping you will slip up so they will have something on which to conveniently hang their doubts and unbelief.

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