Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

Stay Connected!

Stay connected with people who inspire, nourish and bring out the best in you. It takes time to pull yourself together and to heal if you’ve been hurt, humiliated, or become emotionally broken because of what you’ve gone through. You can become disconnected with the real you and forget who you really are. It’s necessary to read, listen and focus on positive things.

Things that strengthen your mind, develop your confidence and fortify your spirit. Create a strategy that will allow yourself to rid your life of people whose only intention is to strip, destroy, or take you down. Be aware that there are certain situations that are just not good for you. Make a conscious, deliberate effort to focus your mind exclusively on things that will build you up which is primarily the Word of God.

Don’t give up on hope as this will expand the possibilities in all dimensions of your life. You have the capacity and the ability to rebuild your life. What you have gone through can be used to develop another part of yourself. Stay connected with positive people with the knowledge that you will get through this. You have something special. You have GREATNESS within you!

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