Nobody achieves anything of substance without first dreaming. Everything starts with a dream. This morning, I want to help us understand the principles of dreams. If you stop dreaming you begin to dim. Purpose is all about fulfilling dreams.
Dreams are important to faith. It deals with words and pictures. Dream is a desire that becomes a seed in your soul. It is like a pregnancy. It is another realm of existence but real. What you dream of is what you hope for! Your dream is your hope beyond the present. Dreams are what you hope to do and become. What you do is going to be the summary of your life after you die. The thought of been remembered for good after death endeared Alfred Nobel to initiate the Nobel Prize. A spirit-filled Christian should be able to use his power of imagination.
Your imagination forms the basis of what God can do in your life. Eph 3:20 “Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.” It is what God is going to work on by the Holy Spirit. It determines how your dream is going to work through. The spiritual understanding of this is that, when there is a dream, there is always a dream killer. There is always an attempt to destroy dreams. Dreams always face storms, but because it is from God it must come through. So, don’t be surprised that there is a struggle in fulfilling dreams. Gen 25:21-27, Isaiah 66:6-10.
We are a product of God’s dream. God has a dream! In fact, God is a dreamer. The dealings of God with you runs with the principle in Isaiah 66:6-10, which is simply bear a dream (a godly seed) and God will actuate it for you. Here, God is promising that if you carry a dream, He is well able to help you bring it to pass. Sometimes, in our lives, our dreams appear to fade away but with God, we can have it again because He is committed to it.
Why Should You Dream?
- Because dream is a language of the Holy Spirit. Anything God will do, He will put it as a concept, an idea or a thought in someone’s mind. Satan adopts this approach too, by putting an ungodly thought in a man’s mind to his own ruin, Acts 2:27.
- Because it is gives you a reason to live, Pro 29:18. The reason we dream is that we might have something to live for. When a person does not have a vision, he lives on chance and for nothing. What are you living for?
- Because it gives you the ability to take risk. It makes you do daring things’ Heb 11:27. Your dreams propel you into taking risks, going after them, fasting and praying for them. If you life lacks risk, then, is not worth living because life is all about risk.
- Because dreams help you overcome adversities, Heb 12:2. There is the tendency to give up if you don’t have a dream strong enough.
- Because it helps you live right. A dream from God will teach you how to live right and do things right before God so you can achieve it in Him.
- Because it keeps you humble and dependent on God, Rom 12:3. If you know your dreams can only be achieved in God, then you will humble yourself before Him alone.
- It gives you direction. Dreams narrow down the things you do to what can only help you achieve them. Your vision determines your direction.
- Dream helps you live in the future today. It is a seed. It can be sown.
Why Dreams Are Aborted
- When the dream is not of God. Not all good ideas are God’s ideas, 1 John 5:4. If that dream is not of God, it will be aborted eventually.
- Sometimes, spiritual attacks. Anything that will take you up, the enemy will attempt to destroy it. Dream is a seed and it is much easier to destroy the seed than the tree.
- Because if the pregnancy can kill the mother there will be an abortion. If a dream can kill its owner there will be an abortion.
- Lack of wisdom and counsel. There is always a need of wisdom on how dreams and purpose can be fulfilled, Pro 15:22, Pro 11:14, Pro 24:6.
- Because many dreams lack nourishment. Nourish your dreams regularly because the word of God is the only thing that feeds your dreams, Ps 23:6.
Dream Killers
- Your family, friends and close associate, 1 Sam 17:25-35.
- Diversions and distractions.
- Disobedience.
- Sin.
- Enemies camouflaging as friends.
How To Keep Your Dream Alive
- You must keep the dream alive continually. Dream is a living organism, feed it, relate with it and never give up on it. Relate with people who will keep your dream alive and going, Heb10:35. A man that has lost hope will soon die. Life does not give room to those that have lost confidence.
- Don’t exchange your dream for other person’s dream no matter how beautiful it may be, Isaiah 60:17.
- Pray. Everything does well in prayers, Phil 1:6.
The Holy Spirit is a promise to help us dream aright. God starts a revolution with a thought. Our thought is a language and the Holy Spirit uses this language to speak to us. There are dream killers and dream enhancers. If you believe in God, all things are possible. Your vision determines your direction.
God bless you.
We mingle life and death by the people we meet every day. Ask God to bring you in contact with people that will help your dream come through.