Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

The Gospel Of Our Lord Jesus Christ

Pastor Alex Adegboye

Texts: 2 TIM 2: 7, 1 COR 15: 3

Gospel means good news. It is the only good spell that you can cast on. There is no other gospel other than the gospel of Jesus, it is the power of God based on the solid evidence that Christ died and rose from the dead.


  1. The incarnation of Jesus
  2. His glorious life
  3. His death
  4. His resurrection   Heb 6:2, Rom 1:4, Act 1 :22, 4:33, 23; 6, 1Pet 1:3

Resurrection is a fundamental doctrine of the New Testament church. It is one of the most important pillars of the church of Christ. The Apostles are witness to the resurrection of Christ Jesus; they kept on testifying that he arose. 1Pet 1:3


  1. It is a tangible proof of another life. John 14vs 2
  2. It is the seal of all his claims. John 2:18-19, John 5:58
  3. Acceptance of his sacrifice. Rom 4:25, Eze. 18:4
  4. It is the assurance of our own resurrection
  5. It is a fair picture of the new life or the power that is available to all believers. Eph 2vs19


  1. Gospel of the living savior Rev 1vs8
  2.  Gospel of a powerful savior Matt28vs18
  3. Gospel of complete justification Rom 8:1-2, Luk 24:8
  4. Gospel of safety for the saints Heb 2vs14

NB; your trials take a new definition when you remember his word.


  1. That resurrection is coming
  2. Expect victory 2 Tim 2:7-11
  3. There is hope in hopelessness
  4. The futility of resisting Christ

Jesus was all alone when he went to face death on the cross but was raised up and he is alive. Because he lives, things will never be the same again.  He rose to take his place far above all principalities.

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