Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

The Secret Of Power

Written by: Snr. Pastor Alex Adegboye

Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8

He is risen! He is risen!
Hear the cry ringing through the Land and Sea and Sky.
In the shout of Victory triumph is proclaimed.
Heralds of God announce it.
Death is disdained.

Shout the tidings! Shout the tidings!
Christ is victorious and He conquered death.
For the bars of death He sundered
The enemy has sore blundered
Rejoicing of angels thundered, “He’s Alive!”

Catch the shout ye earth-born mortals
Let it roll, tell its echoes o’er the mountains
From the centre of the poles
That the Christ earth and death He conquered
Tell the story, He is the Victor! So am I.

For this reason my ransom He has paid
I’ve accepted His atonement for me
He the Lamb of God suffered all for me
Bore my sins and sicknesses on the tree
I am risen from grief and grave!
Now the lightning of God’s spirit burn my soul
Flames of His divine compassion o’er me roll
Lightning power of God’s own Spirit
Strikes the power of hell for all mankind
God is man, oh Glory! All the story tell!

I have proved Him! I have proved Him!
Christ’s dominion yet remaineth
Let the fires of holy passion sweep your soul
Christ whose death has conquered take control
He has all the power! He will back you up!


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