Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International


IFELOLUWA WEDS ABAYOMI (Streams live at www.thestonechurchng.tv)

The church members, families and well wishers will this weekend September 7th and 8th, 2012, witness the exchange of marriage vows in holy matrimony between Miss Ifeloluwa Adegboye and Mr. Abayomi Kufoniyi at The Ark, The Stone Church headquarters in Ibadan.

Ifeloluwa, a princess from Offa, Kwara State, Nigeria, is the first child and only daughter of Arch. Alex Adegboye, the set man and senior pastor of The Stone Church. Abayomi who hails from Abeokuta, the capital city of Ogun State, is the second son and third child of Mr. and Mrs. Oluwole Kufoniyi. Yomi, (as generally called) is the favoured man who in fulfillment of God’s word that a man would leave his parents to be joined to his wife, is walking the princess down the aisles.

The event will be hosting all that matter both in ministry and the society who will be gracing the occasion. The white wedding starts at the church by 10:00am with full live-streaming at the church’s TV website (www.thestonechurchng.tv) to enable people far and wide partake in the royal view. As soon as the church’s service ends, the fiesta would move to the Fun Factory, Bodija, in Ibadan for the reception where guests will be given a nice treat.

The dress colour code is: silver and gold for the bride’s family and navy blue for the groom’s family. The officiating ministers are the entire pastorate of the Word Alive Ministries. OluwaFred and Yetunde Are would perform as the master of ceremonies and guest artiste at the reception. Professor Tope Alonge (CMD, University College Hospital) would chair the occasion and Gbade Adetisola a performing artiste and music director would get all on their feet the African way at the engagement ceremony.

Find a good spouse, you find a good life – and even more: the favor of GOD! Pro 18:22 (The Message).

Yomi has found a good wife and a good life in Ifeloluwa, the favour cannot but roll in.

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