We all go through difficulties in life and they come to us as tests which we must pass. Tests come to us to prove the stuff that we are made of. However, in the midst of every situation we must stay in Him, and in order to stay we must trust.
Going to the church of God without trusting in the God of the church is a time wasting activity. Our ability to trust Him takes us through every situation and it will always turn out to be beneficial to us. Proper connection to God through Christ is a duty of trust.
Loving God is not optional for any Christian, not just for what He will do or have done but also for who He is. Though everybody loves a giver, God expects that our love for Him should be like His for us – it is an unconditional love.
Note that God loves us because of what He has given to us and what He desires to give to us. Love is the beauty and the measure of trust. We should be able to demonstrate our love to God to the point that we trust Him with our circumstances because He is faithful.
Keep seeking the Lord in all that you do, not just for the experience we will get, but for God Himself. The people around us may not be pleased with some of our actions, but we need the wisdom of God to relate well with others. Hence, we need to seek the face of God and listen for His voice.
Continue to maintain and cultivate your relationship with God. He will take care of you. He will underwrite your bill no matter how much or bad. God would deliver you from all your troubles and afflictions and that is because you trust and believe Him to come through for you.