One of the greatest strategies the devil uses is to make problems bigger than they really are. Many times, he gives you a small picture, not the big picture. He tells you, “you will not make it; you have failed; you are nothing…” The enemy of our soul has the deceptive ability of making us see our issues as a big mountain.
As Jeremiah puts it in Lamentations 1:9, the enemy ‘exalts’ himself. He makes you feel your problem is quite big, that you will never prosper in your business because the economy is on a downturn. As a believer, you tend to forget that your business is not a product of the country’s economy, one that is not affected by the Gross National Product of any nation.
Never see your problem as impossible. The truth of the matter is that Jesus Christ has spoiled principalities and power 2,000 years ago, but you would have to enforce your victory and maintain your confession in all areas of life. Nothing can hinder you because greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. Your problem is never as big as it looks.
When Israel came near the Promised Land, Moses sent 12 spies to go and spy out the Land. When they came back, 10 of them said it was a good land, but the people there were giants while ‘we are grasshoppers’ (Notice the difference!) They also said the walls around that city ‘were up to heaven.’ That was plain exaggeration!
Jesus Christ has delivered us from the power of death, sickness, poverty and lack. The devil does not tell you that whatsoever you lay your hand upon to do shall prosper; or that wherever the soles of your feet shall tread upon, God has given you. Instead he paints a picture of an impossible situation. You may have failed an examination so many times that you come to the conclusion that you can never pass it.
Stop seeing your problem as being too big. Rather see it as an opportunity for God to show Himself strong on your behalf. We share testimonies so that we can see the big picture and see that the same Lord is rich unto all that call upon Him. The same Lord that helped other believers would help and fight for you. Before David killed Goliath, he recounted God’s testimonies in 1 Sam 17:37, “The Lord that delivered me from the lion and bear will deliver me from you.”
Colossians 2:14-15, “Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.”
Culled from ‘It shall Come to Pass’ in Classic Sermons by Senior Pastor Alex Adegboye