Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

We Are What We Think

The way to operate in the kingdom of God is different from the way things are done in the world. Your mind is the starting point – as a man thinketh in his heart so is he.” If you don’t like your life or what has manifested in it, consider what you have been thinking about. We are what we think. Therefore, it is crucial for us to examine what we are considering the most in our lives especially when we are not getting results. There’s indeed a problem when our lives do not line up with the Word, and the problem is wrong thinking.

When we make the decision to consider the Word first and foremost, we must understand that it will require focus. It will also require a commitment to keep our attention on God’s promises despite what we see. This kind of wisdom comes from above and is given to us through four primary avenues – God’s Word, God’s Spirit, God’s Providence and God’s People. The enemy will try to distract us and cause our minds to focus more on the problems. However, when we focus more on our problems than we do on the answers (from the Word) fear, doubt, and unbelief will take over our minds. As a result, we will remain where we are.

Many people would argue on that last point and say that thoughts of doubt, fear, and worry are normal. They would go as far as to say that it is simple human nature. I agree to a certain extent. However, we can train our thoughts to line up with the Word. Brother Kenneth Copeland exhibits a valuable lesson when it comes to taking control of our thoughts. He has done this many times again and again. For instance, whenever he faces a challenge, and start thinking about the problem, he says, “No! I’m not going to think about that! Instead, I am going to consider what God’s Word says about it!” That’s huge. It demonstrates the fact that we can take authority over negative thoughts and cast them down by faith.

Often decision-making process we use for minor issues is used for major decisions as well. So the question is: How do we choose wisely? What criteria do we use to evaluate, to discern the best course of action? Clearly, gathering information and carefully analyzing our options is essential. Beyond that, we need wisdom and clarity of thought in order to make prudent decisions based upon the facts at hand and our understanding of God’s will. Many bad choices are made simply because we move through the decision-making process too hastily, basing our conclusions on emotions, bad information or impulses.

It doesn’t matter the problem we may be confronting, the solution is found in the Word. For example, you may not have the money to pay a past due bill and doubt is bombarding your thoughts. Your mind is filled with questions such as, “How am I going to pay this? What am I going to do?” Instead of meditating on the problem, you can switch your focus to the Word and say, “No! I’m not going to allow these thoughts to take over my mind! God is my source and He has given me what I need to live a life that is pleasing to Him. I am abundantly supplied because God is my source!” When you think this way, the miracle of supernatural multiplication is put into motion the same as when Jesus blessed the small amount of food (several loaves of bread and a few fishes) to feed thousands of people.

Here’s a promise, “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee (Isaiah 26:3). When we are steadfast in remaining focused on God’s Word, we will begin to experience a supernatural peace that passes all understanding. Peace is another word for wholeness, which means there is nothing missing or broken. It is time for us to believe His Word, stay focused on it, and see the manifestations of His promises. God wants us to live in an abundance of peace where there is nothing missing, lacking or broken in our lives. However, it all begins with our thinking. We are what we think!

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