Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

You Shall Have What You Say

Many diseases that show up in our lives are a product of what we say. If you are going to grow old and strong and well, it will start from the time you are young because you could kill yourself before you get old.

One of the attributes that we should imbibe as Christians is to stop saying what we do not want. Never say anything you do not want. Do not allow it to flow out of your mouth because what you say is either working for you or working against you. As the prophet of your own life, your words can overpower even God and His good purposes in your life.

Let me share something with you, though very painful, that is also very true and powerful. My mother was a very angry woman. Whenever she had a quarrel with my father, it would get so bad that she would pack out of the house and they would have to “marry her” again. My father would have to go and plead, they would carry all sorts of gifts to get her back.

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Each time she left, she would be gone for months. One thing I remember about her was this: whenever she was angry, she would pronounce a curse on herself. She would say, “If this thing is so, may I not enjoy my children.” Even though I was a child, I remember her saying this every time she got angry. Sadly, she died at age 36.

Whatever you do not want, do not say it – not even when you are angry. She had six children in quick succession and having died so young, she left all six of us motherless. She had her last child in January and by March of that same year in 1965 she was dead. She said it again and again that her words eventually caught up with her.

ORDER EBOOK: You Are The Prophet Of Your Life

Today, many people still kill themselves the same way. They curse at will and it is not a big deal to them. Many diseases that show up in our lives are a product of what we say. One of the most dangerous things that we should not be ignorant is this: the things that are going to show up in your life tomorrow will not start tomorrow. They started yesterday.

If you are going to grow old and strong and well, it will start from the time you are young because you could kill yourself before you get old. Words are seeds that we sow, and you must be careful about what you say. Proverbs 15:4 states, “A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit.”

Extracted from the book You are the prophet of your life by senior Pastor Alex Adegboye

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