Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

Your Victory, Your Voice

I sincerely thank God for healing that has taken place in my family. While we were fasting on a Wednesday, I got a call from my mother informing me that my father had been admitted in the ICU. At first, it really didn’t occur to me that what my mother meant was actually Intensive Care Unit and I know it to be a place where patients are taken before or after operation. Clearly, my father’s case was a serious heart attack. In a short time, my father recovered and was discharged. I know too well that this was the doing of the Lord.

Few days after my father was discharged, they called me from my son’s school and informed me that my son has been vomiting since morning. I thought it was malaria but it turned out to be typhoid. I boldly confessed that God had healed him and I did not allow them to admit him at the hospital. I give all the glory to God because, he is very fine now. Thank God!

– Sis. T

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