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About The Grace Partners
Welcome to

Grace Partners

We warmly welcome you to the church planting drive of the Word Alive Ministries International, otherwise known as The Stone Church.

We are driven by a passion to expand the frontiers of the gospel through missions and church planting so as to depopulate hell and populate God’s kingdom.

Message of the Week

Cultivate The Presence of God (A sermon by Pastor Ayokunle Fatokun)

We worship God for who He is and not on the basis of what we want from Him.

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Your Generousity is Enriching Lives

Through Our Church Planting Efforts

We are providing safe places where anyone can grow their Faith in God.

Everyone is welcome here, no matter your background or beliefs, we will welcome you into the family of God.

42+ Locations

We know meeting going to a new church for the first time can be intimidating, and feeling at home in a new environment can make you cringe. We want to help make your first experience at The Stone Church a memorable one!

Over 26+

Sundays here are exciting, from the praises, worship and the sermon. Our ambience is friendly, casual, and relaxed. Come as you are and expect to feel welcomed as our guest.

Your Generousity is Enriching Lives

Through Our Church Planting Efforts

We are providing safe places where anyone can grow their Faith in God.

Everyone is welcome here, no matter your background or beliefs, we will welcome you into the family of God.

42+ Locations

We know meeting going to a new church for the first time can be intimidating, and feeling at home in a new environment can make you cringe. We want to help make your first experience at The Stone Church a memorable one!

Over 26+

Sundays here are exciting, from the praises, worship and the sermon. Our ambience is friendly, casual, and relaxed. Come as you are and expect to feel welcomed as our guest.

News & Events

News and Updates from Our Branches

Follow our activities around the worrld and see how committed we are to the extension of the Gospel of Jesus Christ out Lord and Savior. We will also send you a copy of our church planting manual to see how you and your family can be a blessing to our cause.