Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

Despite All, I Thank God For Life

Sometimes last year I woke up around 12am to urinate, when I finished, I flashed my torch in the WC and to my surprise, what I saw was blood.

I want to thank God for giving me another opportunity to live again. Sometimes last year I woke up around 12am to urinate, when I finished, I flashed my torch in the WC and to my surprise, what I saw was blood. I called my wife’s attention to this and she was shocked. I was in a meeting the following day when my wife called me that I should come to UCH immediately.

When I got there, the doctor told me that I would be placed on admission and that he had to collect my blood sample so as to find out the root cause of the problem. For the next three days, I was on admission while series of test were carried out on my blood sample. Eventually it was discovered that I had a tumour, and if not discovered early on, could have developed into cancer. I underwent surgery after which I was told that I would have to undergo chemotherapy and the procedure would affect me in a number of ways. There would be loss of hair, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea etc. I rejected all these through faith and prayer in God.

Miraculously, after the therapy, I did not experience any of the above mentioned side effects. I bless God because I survived this infirmity as He’d spared my life and gave me a second chance at life.

–Bro. O

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