Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

Crusading for Christ

We just finished an exciting crusade for Jesus Christ our Lord in our Church. It was fun gathering daily for three days in the open air – dancing, praying, watching Comedians theatrically present the Good News, wearing colorful summer attire, listening to hilarious translations of the teachings and preaching. It was not only jamborees o!

It was preceded by serious fasting and praying, night vigils, massive advertizing, one on one evangelism with handbills distribution————the works! We just built a massive auditorium you see, and are convinced its Gods will to see it filled with souls whom we, by His Spirit will build up to maturity in Christ-likeness. You see that’s part of our church’s vision. We also know that souls and more souls added to the Church is God’s heartbeat! We share this. You see we are committed with our Senior r Pastor under the leading of the Holy Spirit to sharing the beauty and the hope of life in Christ with all!

We are always so glad at soul gathering in which we have been so friutful and soo gladly so! Alleluia! The place of keeping them, following up and discipling them is the challenge, sadly. Where are those souls that gave their lives to Christ? Are they back in their church still born again? Or are they lost again? Or just hanging somewhere in between? Is it wrong if they grow in their own church? Will they grow in churches where they never found Jesus Christ in the first instance? Do we need violence to keep them, having found them? Founders keepers? Brethren our labours cannot be in vain o! Amen!

Written by Tinu Faboya

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