Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

Make a Difference

You do not have to do incredible things; just being there for the people around you can save someone from a meaningless life and help them lead the life they were meant to live.

We are all gifted with a unique set of skills and abilities. With those abilities we can make extra-ordinary things happen in the world around us, or not. It is completely up to you whether you want your life to make a difference and what difference you want your life to make.

stand-out-frontMany people set lofty goals for their lives and want to be remembered as visionaries, they want to change and save the world. Others want to be remembered as the kind man or women down the street who always helped and always listened if you needed help.

Who do you think is the better person? The one who changes the world or the one who saves the individual? You do not have to do incredible things; just being there for the people around you can save someone from a meaningless life and help them lead the life they were meant to live.

Changing the life of another person is an incredible feeling and it is completely within your grasp. You can do this by deciding to become a mentor for a young ambitious person. You can help them avoid the mistakes you have made and help them learn from the ones they will inevitably make themselves.

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