Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

Omitowoju Outreach – The Report

The 2-day Omitowoju soul-winning outreach embarked upon by the church was a success. On the first day of the programme we had a one-on-one evangelism to establish a cordial relationship and close contact with each individual ministered to.

The second day which climaxed the event had a different activity. A movie titled “Asiri Ogun” meaning Secret of Warfare was projected. After the film show, came the good news, heralded by Evangelist Ayo Adunola. The unsaved were touched by the Holy Spirit through the ministrations. During the altar call, they came out en masse to confess and repent of their sins and gave their lives to Christ. A total of forty souls accepted Jesus as their Lord and Saviour and were saved

The Omitowoju outreach has come and gone but the joy of lost souls recovered and saved by our Lord Jesus still lingers in our hearts. We rejoice with angels in Heaven over the souls that were saved.

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