Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

Praise God For Keeping Me In Safety!

My testimony is about healing. I was at my son’s place with my husband and I was just coming out of the bathroom when I accidentally fell. The next I knew was that my slippers were off my feet. My head slammed the stairs and blood was flowing unhindered.

Immediately I started thinking in my head that this was similar to one of those scenes people watch in Africa Magic. It may seem illogical the way people die. I started shouting, “Lord have mercy!” My husband who was downstairs heard me but I did not want him to see my condition so as not to aggravate his health state. I decided to call for my son who rushed in forthwith and treated me.

The fall was a big one as I was lifted off the ground completely and collapsed on the floor. An X-ray was conducted on me and according to the promise of God in Psalm 34:19, none of my bones was broken. Praise God for keeping me in safety!

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