3rd December 2017


Service Type:

Preacher: Pastor Alex Adegboye

The perception we have of God is really important. Our lives orbit around the image of God that we have. We think of God in a particular way, and sometimes our problems become idols that determine the way we define God. When you see the way people exalt their problems above God, you would understand exactly where they are coming from.

Many people think that there are problems that God cannot solve and they make this assumption based on their present situation. They say that the God of the Old Testament is different from the God of the New Testament. But we know that it is the same Lord over all and He is rich unto all. Jesus is the perfect theology, and if you really want to know God you should look at Jesus.

Three points to always remember:

God is good.
God is in a good mood concerning His children.
God does not throw stones.

The story in John 8 is a model of God’s attitude towards our sins, weaknesses and difficulties. Always think of God as a God who does not throw stones. Even when you deserve stones, He does not throw them at you. The worst of all sinners is not condemned by God. The encounter of Jesus with the adulterous woman is not an exceptional case; it is a model of God’s salvation for man from our sins and wickedness.

This woman caught in the act of adultery was supposed to be stoned to death. The offense of adultery according to the Law is death by stoning. However, the nature of God overrides the Law. The Law says the wages of sin is death, but Jesus says neither do I condemn you. The Law as contained in the Old Testament shows us the severity of sin, while the death and resurrection of Jesus shows us the salvation from sin.

John 3:17, For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

What does it mean when we say God does not throw stones?

It means that God does not condemn anybody.
It means God does not want the death of a sinner.
It means God does not plot evil for any of His children.
It means God is love personified.
It means God is plotting ways for your deliverance.
It means there are more with us than those who are against us.


In the Jewish society, the throwing of stones was a common punishment for offenders. Moreover, stones were used in the building of houses where people live. God does not throw stones; rather He wants to build our lives. The gospel we have is the gospel of salvation. Jesus Christ manifested to destroy the works of the devil, and not to destroy people.

God is very committed to our salvation and our blessing so that our lives can turn out the way He designed it. In Luke 9:55, the disciples of Jesus wanted to call down fire from heaven, but Jesus rebuked them and said to them that they do not know the manner of spirit that they have. The spirit that you have is not to kill and destroy lives; it is to preserve man’s life.

2 Peter 3:9, The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.


We may not be really sure what people wish us, but we can be sure that God wishes us well.

God does not love because He loves; He loves because He is love personified.