The Vital Role of Praying In Tongues 2
23rd February 2020

The Vital Role of Praying In Tongues 2

Preacher: Alex Adegboye | Series: The Vital Role of Praying In Tongues | If you cannot see the invisible, touch the intangible or hear the inaudible, then your Christianity is shallow. Christianity is living in this world from another world because there is a world outside this realm. Your life must be a life that draws from the supernatural if you’re to be a Christian.
Praying in other tongues is the doorway to the supernatural. There is a realm that is much more than this world and it is the Holy Ghost that leads us to that realm. The Holy Ghost is the one that leads us to the riches of Christ. An ineffective way of praying will make the word of God non-effective in your life.

RECOMMENDED FOR YOU: The Vital Role of Praying In Tongues 1
When you read the Bible, you will see and understand by the revelation of the Holy Spirit. There is a realm of the Spirit behind the scene; this is the work of the Holy Ghost in the life of the Christians; He is the force behind us. There is an experience beyond what this world has to offer which is in Christ Jesus.
There is a realm of the supernatural, realm of the spirit that is available to us all. God blesses us through others by the help of the Holy Spirit. The essence of life is to discover Jesus, and then live by the Holy Spirit. You have to discover Jesus Christ for yourself so that your life can be beautiful.
Isaiah 28:12, To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear.


Praying in tongues is a one-on-one relationship between you and God.
Praying in other tongues is praying the mind of God.
Praying in the Holy Ghost will make you comply with the plan of God.
Praying in other tongues makes the Holy Ghost to enforce spiritual laws over circumstantial, natural laws on your behalf.
Tongues gives you power to do; tongues doesn’t just reveal what but also reveals how to you.

There is a law that can cancel natural laws and that law is the spiritual law. You pray in the Holy Ghost now because of future. Romans 8:2, For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the law of sin and death. The spiritual law becomes dominant as you pray in the Holy Ghost. The Holy Spirit helps you to pray and to develop strength in the inner man; He gives you confidence and an ability to do the right thing as the voice of God becomes dominant in your spirit.

PART 2 IS HERE: The Vital Role of Praying In Tongues 1