Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

The WORD Is Working

It was my first time at the Stone Church when the Senior Pastor preached a message titled "The Word is Working"

I thank God for what He has done for me. The Senior Pastor preached on a subject that says The Word Is Working and it was what I needed to hear though that was my first time in Stone Church. Meanwhile I have a brother who wouldn’t stop committing crimes and had been awaiting trial for 5 years in the prison. Eventually, he was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment but I kept praying for the salvation of his soul.

To the glory of God, he was released from prison in 2015. I strongly believe that God allowed him to go to the prison so he would have a change of heart, and a change of direction in life. It was in the prison that he gave his life to Christ and he has completely stopped all his numerous criminal acts. God gave him a new nature and he is serving God now.

Moreover, there was a time that I needed to travel to my home town. I was at my lowest ebb and I had nothing that could take me to and fro my home town. Miraculously, somebody that I had  not seen in the last 27years called me on the phone and wired some money into my account which was more than sufficient for my needs! – Sis

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