Wonder Working Forgiveness

One of the best ways of living in sound health is by living and giving forgiveness to others. Forgiveness is not so easy for some people, but this does negate the truth that if you do not forgive it could lead to sickness-causing agent in your being. Unforgiveness has been found to affect and afflict the body, soul and spirit of anyone who allows it.

However, forgiveness is such a sweet experience that lingers and continues to pump strength and life into our bodies. Forgiveness has the capacity and capability to make you live long and healthy. Forgiveness is life gaining and life enhancing. The most effective way of using this ‘recommended safety drug’ is to use it before the ‘sick offence’ comes at all. This will help to better exhibit the attitude of forgiveness in our relationships with others.

Generally, offense and hurts come from those who are the closest or most trusted to us. They come from those whose relationship with us cannot be shunned or blocked, hence there is the need to deal with others with a high sense of readiness to forgive. The wonder in this is that it keeps us in a great state of mind and forgiving others does not mean you are a fool. As a believer, you are able to maintain the right connections with the right people whilst forgiving and overlooking their faults.

Forgiveness does not mean hiding the truth but stating it with love, discretion, modesty, meekness and in the spirit of peace. Forgiveness is the oil that smoothens the frictions which are bound to occur in relationship. Our expectations and desires of each other is bound to be unmet, but with a forgiving heart and attitude, such expectations can be met and surpassed with time. Forgiveness is dual in its workings. That is to say, to fully and really enjoy forgiveness, one must take the complete ‘dose’ of this ‘medicine.’

One must take cognizance of oneself too. When you fail or disappoint yourself, you should see to it that you forgive yourself and move on and embrace fresh opportunities that life has got to offer. Remember that you are not a perfect person. The desire not to move on is a type of prison that you put yourself and you are the only one who holds the keys to unlock yourself. As long as you refuse to unlock yourself, you will remain in there feeling bitter and suffering from guilt and agitation.

Also, not only do we give forgiveness to people, we should be willing to receive forgiveness from others once offered. When we forgive others beforehand (which is best) or when they ask us for it, we help to improve our physical, mental and spiritual state. Forgiveness turns your scars into stars. It may not take away the memory, but the pain is no longer there and that means the work of healing has been done. Forgiveness is one of the greatest lessons we can learn from the life of Jesus Christ as he forgave and restored our relationship with God.

– Sunday Moses