Receiving the gift of tongues
Picture of Alex Adegboye

Alex Adegboye

Senior Pastor: Word Alive Ministries International

Believing God and Receiving the Gift of Tongues in a strange manner

I grew up in Kano and my childhood was marked with so much atrocities. Unfortunately, I did not graduate from my secondary school. In addition, I did not graduate from the university too. I started doing all sort of things and I thought my life expectancy was going to be 25 years at the most. At the age of 19 I had seen all sorts that anyone at the age of 90 would not want to see and do. I had money early on in life, but I lost it all. However, there was a turning point in my life. One day I went to the University of Ife to pick up a lady and she said she would attend a fellowship meeting.  I said to her that there is no problem and I would patiently wait for her till they finish their meeting. Across the road, there was a joint and while I was there, I could hear people pray out loud in tongues from the fellowship. So, I said to God in my heart that if truly these fellowship folks were speaking to you through their prayers, let me speak like one of them. To my greatest surprise, I started speaking in tongues. I wanted to call for the bill of my drinks, but it was tongues that came out of my mouth. I decided to say nothing anymore because I didn’t want to make a fool of myself. Eventually I joined them in the fellowship and the sister coordinating the service led me to Christ. Ever since then, I had not stop speaking in tongues. Right from that day I found God and that marked a new beginning in my life. As at today, I am doing well and even though there had been health challenges, God has preserved me and He has provided for me so much so that I am a blessing to scores of people. Bless God! – Bro M

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